Project Gallery

1.3 - Adhesives Technologies Hanger
An epoxy tube attachment that connects the mixing nozzle to the epoxy tube. Largest order of 3d printed parts in history with an order of 1 million parts, with over 24,000 produced per day.
Production Info:
Print Time: 225 Minutes
Resolution: 250 Microns
Material: BASF EPD 1006
Units Per Print: 400

1.7 - Alaska Guide Creations - Binocular Tethers
Description: Tether length adjustment piece used in a variety of applications. This part allows the length of tethers to be changed. The production of this part set the world record for most 3d printed parts in one day at 62,700.
Production Info:
Print Time: 1.5 hrs
Resolution: 250 Microns
Material: Duramax
Units Per Print: 800

2.5- Custom Self Draining Holders
Description: Custom modeled squeegee holders. The spout the drips the resin off our mixing squeegees back into the resin vat. After mixing the resin, the squeegee is sat in the holder for the excess resin to flow back into the resin vat.
Production Info:
Print Time: 7 hrs
Resolution: 250 Microns
Material: DL110HB
Units Per Print: 12

4.3 Bike Medals for Nica-Utah
Description: Medals printed and painted for different placements for NICA races. One version has a internal piece that spins inside itself, creating a part that cannot be manufactured any other way.
Production Info:
Print Time: 2-6hrs
Resolution: 100 Microns
Material: Any
Units Per Print: 50-300

4.7 - Business Card Holder
Description: Small and efficient business card holder. Astronomically well designed for additive manufacturing, as the design can not be used with any other manufacturing method.
Production Info:
Print Time: 45 minutes
Resolution: 100 Microns
Material: DL110HB
Units Per Print: 25

7.1 Manti Temple Night Light And Christmas Ornament
Description: A model of the Manti Temple in Utah created to be used as a night light or Christmas ornament. The model has a sectioned area to accept a light inside of it.
Production Info:
Print Time: 3hrs
Resolution: 100 Microns
Material: DL110HW
Units Per Print: 50

7.5 Sight In 1 - Tool For Sighting Rifle Scopes
Description: A tool used to help sight in rifle scopes. The customer had to wait long for the boxing he sells the tool in than he did for the production of the parts themselves.
Production Info:
Print Time: 5hrs
Resolution: 250 Microns
Material: Duramax
Units Per Print: 30