Merit 3D

No Molds

Made In The USA

Mass Production in weeks

Rapid Design Changes

Protoduction 4.0

Mass Production Using New Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Our unique system of product development to production is designed to take the guessing game out of prototyping and mass production by making the perfected prototype the EXACT same product as the mass-produced item.

Committed to Mass Production. Choose your path below!
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Path 1

Want to do it yourself? Design and Test your own product with your team! Use us when ready for mass production.

Path 2

Need some help? Bring your product to us for help with design and testing before mass manufacturing.

Path 3

Have an Idea? Have us produce your part from scratch. We will design, test and mass produce your idea.

Common Concerns For Mass Production In Additive Manufacturing




How We Can Help

Merit3D uses developing technologies in additive manufacturing to decrease total production cost (no injection mold needed), decrease time to a working prototype, and enable design updates post-prototype, what we call “protoduction”. Partner with our team to design and mass produce your part in weeks, not months or years.

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These parts all skipped the overseas process and were created in WEEKS!